Lutheran Organizations and Partners


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Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)



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The ELCA is divided geographically into synods. Holy Redeemer is a member of the Sierra Pacific Synod, which includes Northern California and Northern Nevada.






Each synod is divided geographically into conferences. Our conference is the El Camino Real Conference, comprising a majority of the Evangelical Lutheran churches in Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, and Monterey County.



Lutheran World Relief works with partners in 50 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.


Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is a cooperative program to give refugees "a whole chance at life." LIRS works with all refugees "regardless of national origin, race, religion, culture or legal status". LIRS has increasingly reached out to those who do not fall under official federal programs. They include asylum seekers, undocumented persons and other vulnerable immigrants. Those served also include persons who are here as permanent residents and need help with legal issues or the steps to citizenship.


Lutheran Social Services of Northern California is a part of a network of nearly 300 Lutheran social service organizations across the country. Services are available to everyone. The LSS mission is to respond to the biblical mandates of compassion and justice, affirm the inherent worth of all people and strive to prevent and alleviate human suffering.


Lutheran Lay Renewal (LLR) is a independent evangelical organization of Lay people that is not affiliated with any specific congregation or synod within the Lutheran family of churches. LLR provides a means for Lutheran congregations to recognize and define, or redefine their mission, by experiencing a spiritual renewal of the membership.




February 16, 2025


Celebration & Communion




Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

acknowledges that it is located

on the unceded land of the

Muwekma, Ohlone and Tamien people


Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

is a

NAMI - Santa Clara County

Mental Health Friendly

Stigma Free

Faith Community




Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

is a

Reconciling in Christ Congregation



About Holy Redeemer:

Meet Pastor Freesemann, and visit the About Us section to learn about our pastor and about our congregation!


Join Us!

If you're curious about an Openly Progressive, Permission Giving Community, Looking to the 21st Century with Vision and Hope, then you should come to the Join Us section to learn more. We hope you will join us.





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