Reconciling in Christ Partners and Resources


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Reconciling works rev

ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation advocates for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church and congregations.


We provide a place of comfort and safety. We reach out to teach that Christ's message, the Gospel, is for everyone equally. We advocate for systemic change in policy and practice in church and society, working to alleviate not only the painful symptoms of oppression but also to eliminate its root causes.


LGBTQ+ Online College Student Guide

LGBTQ students have a significant presence on college campuses. In 2018, an Association of American Universities survey of over 180,000 university students found that 16.9% of students identify as non-heterosexual. While many colleges try to make their campuses welcoming to LGBTQ students, their success rate varies. If you’re a prospective college student who identifies as LGBTQ+, it’s important that you research schools to make sure they’ve created a supportive environment.  In this guide, you’ll learn how to research colleges and review additional topics such as the unique challenges LGBTQ students face and the resources and legal rights available to them.

Click on the link to view the guide: is a gay affirming Christian web site that contains one of the largest world-wide gay "welcoming" church directories and gay Christian bulletin boards in the world. The site also contains numerous articles on a wide range of subjects as well as in-depth studies on reconciling ones faith with their sexual orientation. These articles are presented in both English and Spanish. The site also features a Christian art gallery.

Being a Christian can sometimes be difficult, but being a gay Christian can prove to be more complicated.

This resource containes links to information for:

Finding an Affirming Church

Gay Christian Support

Gay Christian Marriages

Gay Christian Groups and Organizations

Recommended Reading


ORAM revisedLGBTI Refugee Project Portal showcases projects and approaches that enhance the protection of LGBTI forced migrants in the areas of refugee status determination, policy development and research, practical protection measures and staff development. ORAM is encouraging posting of projects that wil lead to better treatment of LGBTI refugees across the globe.



SVGMCSilicon Valley Gay Men's Chorus


Mission Statement

The mission of the Silicon Valley Gay Men's Chorus is to inspire our diverse community through musical excellence and collective pride.


Transform and Unite our global community through song.



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March 05, 2025


Celebration & Communion




Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

acknowledges that it is located

on the unceded land of the

Muwekma, Ohlone and Tamien people


Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

is a

NAMI - Santa Clara County

Mental Health Friendly

Stigma Free

Faith Community




Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church

is a

Reconciling in Christ Congregation



About Holy Redeemer:

Meet Pastor Freesemann, and visit the About Us section to learn about our pastor and about our congregation!


Join Us!

If you're curious about an Openly Progressive, Permission Giving Community, Looking to the 21st Century with Vision and Hope, then you should come to the Join Us section to learn more. We hope you will join us.





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